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As part of the DCFA 428 Construction Management team, The Robert B. Balter Company (Balter) provides Special Inspections (per DCRA and IBC); Third-Party Inspections; QA Inspections and Field Testing; and Materials Laboratory Testing, and Geotechnical and Materials Engineering Consulting.


The scope of the project has included shallow and deep foundations; steel reinforcement; cast-in-place structural concrete; structural steel; earthwork with undercutting, stabilization, fill placement and compaction; application of geo-synthetic fabrics and membranes; pavements; temporary earth-support with soldier piles, lagging and tie-backs; jet grouting and shotcrete with soil-nailing; open-face shield tunneling; structural steel including welding and bolt connections; precast concrete plant inspections; roof insulation and built-up roofing; review of construction plans and documents; pre-construction and progress meetings; daily review and submittal of technician reports and testing forms; and Special Inspection certifications to DCRA.


Specific assignments thus far have included:

  • Enhanced Nitrogen Removal Facilities, Second Contract

  • Filtrate and Disinfection Facilities Upgrade, Phase 3

  • Nitrification Facilities Upgrade Switchgear Replacement

  • Secondary Treatment Facility Upgrades ENR – North

  • Filtrate Treatment Facility

  • Raw Wastewater Pump Station N. 2 Upgrades


In addition to our contracted role of Special Inspections, QA Inspections and Field Testing, and Materials Laboratory Testing, Balter assisted the owner (DC Water) and Construction Manager with Geotechnical and Materials Consulting to expedite the resolution of construction quality issues, as they arose. These issues included review and consulting on RFI’s and Claims, unsuitable fills and backfills, wet and unstable roadway subgrade, poor footing bearing, defective Partial Displacement Piles, mislocated steel reinforcement, weak or otherwise defective concrete, poor shotcrete conditions,  poor soil nail practices, deep shaft dewatering issues, and raveling clays in deep shafts.   

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