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A Thorough Approach

Under the supervision of PE's, laboratory managers direct a staff of technicians with certifications by NICET, ACI, USACE CM Quality Management, MARTCP, VDOT, FAA-ERLPM, NASSCO, and WACEL. All procedures are performed in accordance with a QA/QC Laboratory Manual that is approved by the certifying agencies.

Resources allow high volume and quick turnaround of a comprehensive array of tests including:

  • Soils 

  • Rock 

  • Concrete 

  • Aggregate 

  • Asphalt

  • Unit Masonry

  • CIPP

  • Fireproofing

  • Environmental (soil or water)

Advanced geotechnical tests are performed on fully automated research-grade apparatus resulting in exceptionally rapid and error-free detailed test reports.  This automation permits the cost effective generation of highly sophisticated test results.  Computer generated reports and data can be transmitted electronically at the client's request.



Our accredited laboratories include a wide array of sophisticated equipment to offer materials testing on soils, rock, concrete aggregates, asphalt, fireproofing, cured in-place pipe (CIPP) and other specialized tests.

To ensure accurate results Balter has established a stringent Quality Management System which includes frequent audits and inspections by independent third party agencies, and the use of research quality full-automated laboratory equipment.

Our personnel have assumed leadership roles in setting industry standards. We are technical representatives and voting members of:

- ASTM Committee E36 for Construction Inspection and Testing

- NICET Construction Materials Testing Development Committee

- Airports Consulting Council (AAC) Engineering Committee, and review of FAA Advisory Circulars for Geotechnical and Materials Engineering


Balter has achieved one of the highest levels of accreditation in the nation, including:

- 9 agency accreditations;

- 92 individual ASTM and AASHTO test procedures;

- 53 USACE test procedure validations

These include:

- AASHTO R-18: Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection and/or Testing

- ASTM E329: Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection and/or Testing

- ASTM C1077: Testing Concrete and Concrete Aggregates

- ASTM D2666: Testing and Inspection of Road and Paving Materials

- ASTM D3740: Testing and Inspection of Soil and Rock in Engineering Design and Construction

- ASTM C1093: Standard Practice for Accreditation of Testing Agencies for Unit Masonry

- ER 1110-1-261: US Army Corps of Engineers Validations

- WACEL: Accredited Engineering Laboratory - Soils and Concrete

- NASSCO PACP, MACP, LACP and ITCP for CIPP and Manholes

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