For over 50 years Balter has maintained an in-house fleet of drill rigs to perform Geotechnical Investigations. Balter owns truck-mounted, all terrain, and portable drilling rigs, including support vehicles and associated equipment; soil and rock drilling and sampling devices; calibrated automatic hammers; hollow stem augers and casing; wireline equipment (multiple sizes) for deep rock drilling and verification coring; packer equipment; environmental sampling and screening devices, geophysical apparatus; and a repair, maintenance, and fabrication/welding shop. Balter’s Drilling Crews consist of Master Well Drillers (multiple jurisdictions) with OSHA 40-hour safety training and Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) training. Managers have OSHA Managers’ training.
Diverse Experience - Balter is experienced with land and water borings, oriented coring, deep rock coring, verification coring, angled drilling, solid-stem and hollow-stem auger, mud-rotary wash, piezometers, monitoring wells, recovery wells, in-hole instrumentation, inclinometers, settlement points, and multiple point extensometers; and environmental sampling and screening. Balter’s crews have worked in the most intense and difficult traffic-control situations with an enviable safety record.
Along with SPT borings, Balter also offers several specialized drilling services. All services are overseen by our in-house Engineering and Drilling Departments. Services include:
Verification Coring
Conventional and Wireline Coring
Angle Hole Drilling
Instrumentation Installation
Geo-Environmental Drilling & Sampling
Monitoring Wells and Piezometers
Rock and Soil Permeability Testing
Specialized In-situ Testing
Cone Penetration Testing
In order to supplement our subsurface investigations, Balter routinely uses Geophysical methods to allow for advanced data collection. These methods may include:
Seismic Refraction
MASW (Multi-Array Surface Waves)
Spontaneous Potential