Loudoun, Fairfax and Arlington, Virginia
Under continuous contract between 1987 through 2010, The Robert B. Balter Company provided Quality Assurance Testing and Special Inspections to the Airport Improvement Program for these two major International airports. Specifically, project components included excavation, subgrade/subbase/base courses, cement treated courses, concrete, asphalt, soils, aggregate base courses, cement-treated aggregates, asphalt mixtures, drainage structures and reinforcing and structural steel utilized in the construction of runways, taxiways, tunnels, airport traffic control tower, Automated People Mover System, maintenance and safety/operations facilities, infrastructure, roadways, bridges, parking garages and surface parking. Engineering services to review specifications concerning concrete, asphalt and cement-treated aggregates, foundation shop drawings, sheeting and shoring shop drawings, and the compilation of as-built drawings, and specifications cognizant of FAA standards. The Balter Company has been involved in over 100 major projects over the past 25 years with construction costs exceeding 11 billion dollars.
Loudoun, Fairfax and Arlington, Virginia
Geotechnical explorations, geotechnical engineering and geological consulting for this billion-dollar project included a multi-phased program of 170+ borings, chiefly located in the Aircraft Operations Area (AOA). Working in an active airport (Washington Dulles International Airport), special co-ordinations and field practices were required on taxiways and aprons, for safe aircraft traffic and elimination of Flying Object Debris (FOD). Initial preliminary evaluations were based on numerous prior Balter projects at the airport. Subsequent multi-phase field explorations included wire line rock coring, monitoring wells, piezometers, angled core holes, oriented coring, Pressuremeter testing, and packer water pressure testing. Traditional geotechnical soil lab testing was performed in addition to more specialized rock testing (Point load index, Brazilian Splitting Tensile Strength, etc.). Evaluations included bearing capacities and settlements for foundations on soil and rock, wall stability and pressures, subsurface soil and rock excavations, cut-and-cover tunneling, stability analyses (SWEDGE, PCSTABLE) and excavation support, seepage (SEEP2D) estimates, pavement design, storm water facilities, and specification preparation.
Provided QA inspection and testing during construction for tunnels, stations, structures, associated improvements under Balter's Program Management Contract.
Garrett County, Maryland
Provided multiple condition surveys, and studies of sluice gates, weir structure, and miscellaneous upgrades as related to the dam and associated appurtenances. Site inspection of the dam included a diving team for below water structures and TV inspection of the outfall pipes. Studies indicated remedies required to meet necessary safety and performance standards of this State Park dam. More advanced evaluation included monitoring wells, extensive seepage and stability analyses, borings, test pits, and laboratory analyses. Detailed evaluations resulted in design and development of plans and specifications and cost estimates, for remedies to the sluice gate, trash rack, and weir structures at the dam. Project permitting was performed, and engineering inspection was performed during remedial construction. As an additional phase, evaluated several schemes for repair of a highly eroded stilling basin at the outfall. This was followed by structural design for the basin repair, which also incorporated a new energy dissipator for the outfall.
Harford County, Maryland
This heavily loaded COE's chemical weapon research facility with settlement-sensitive laboratory equipment at Aberdeen Proving Grounds is built on deep soft soils. Special issues included a high-security environment and soil and groundwater contamination warranting chemical exposure blood testing for all field personnel. Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) also required special screening and safety measures. Stringent site screening and safety measures, and personnel protective equipment (PPE) with decontamination procedures, were followed in accordance with a Base-approved Heath and Safety Plan and UXO Plan. Geotechnical explorations included borings and wells to supplement a preliminary Corps of Engineers study, which anticipated the use of a pile foundation. However, by sophisticated interpretation of supplemental field and laboratory test data, and advanced consolidation settlement analyses, Balter value-engineered the use of footings with minor special site prep, and saved over $750,000 in foundation costs. During construction, geotechnical consulting was performed to develop cost-effective solutions to many difficult soft wet soils issues as they arose.
Washington, D.C.
This luxury high-rise apartment complex in Washington, DC encompassed an entire city block and envisioned a 4-level underground parking garage and two retail floors supporting four, 14-story residential towers. Difficult geology included a complex of buried dense water-bearing channel gravels, soft floodplain soils, dense residual soils, contaminated surface fills, and contaminated water. Environmental procedures were required for SPT borings with Pressuremeter testing, to develop the in-situ stress-strain response of the founding soils. Extensive seepage analyses were required to address major construction dewatering and permanent seepage control issues, imposed by the geology and contamination. Final recommendations incorporated a cost-effective combination of deep and shallow foundation systems, and tied-back excavation support for the entire block. In spite of the site complexity, a final geotechnical evaluation with detailed cost estimates was completed in only 6 weeks at client request, by means of strong field supervision of several drill rigs, and simultaneous multiple technical and cost analyses.
Howard County, Maryland
Design and construction of this extensive luxury residential community by General Growth Properties, surrounding the 130-foot sheer cliffs of this flooded former rock quarry, required extensive rock mechanics and rock stability analyses. Special applications included geologic structural mapping of rock joints and faults in the cliffs, statistical evaluation of potential rock failures, and surface and subsurface water seepage evaluation to estimate rates of water rise. Other services included monitoring wells, rock coring, slope stability analyses, bearing capacity evaluations, rock foundations, and pavement analysis. Extensive geologic rock stability analyses of the unstable quarry slopes were performed to develop safe building setbacks. Various approaches were also developed to permit the owner to control quarry water levels, to permit recreational use of the quarry lake, and also to avert special dam safety requirements. During construction, comprehensive on-site resident engineer/geologist services, and inspection and testing, were provided. MDE Dam Safety Division provided a written accolade for our "thorough and excellent geotechnical investigation" for this project.
March 30, 3030
This project was probably our most complex one to date. However, the end result of the Highway Junction made all of our hard work and research worthwhile. With a blend of modern aesthetics and best industry practices, we achieved great results within deadline and budget.